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What's Hot @ NAESB:

July 5, 2024 NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Version 004 Errata Filing – Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities (Docket No. RM05-5-031)
May 21, 2024 FERC Notice of Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ Version 4.0 (Docket No. RM96-1-043)
May 21, 2024 NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant Version 4.0 Errata Filing – Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Docket No. RM96-1-043)
April 25, 2024 FERC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (WEQ, Version 004) Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities (Docket No. RM05-5-031).
March 21, 2024 FERC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (WGQ, Version 4.0) Standards for Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines (Docket No. RM96-1-043).
February 26, 2024 Timothy Alan Simon, Esq., Former California Public Utilities Commissioner and Appointments Secretary for the State of California, Elected as Chair of the NAESB Advisory Council
February 5, 2024 NAESB to Work with U.S. Department of Energy to Develop Standard Distribution Services Contract
November 8, 2023 Michael Desselle Correspondence to NAESB Members
September 29, 2023 Publication of NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 4.0
September 15, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support R23001 - Comment Period Ends October 16, 2023.
September 14, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support R23005 - Comment Period Ends October 13, 2023.
September 11, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 5.a, 5.b, and 5.c - Comment Period Ends October 11, 2023.
September 8, 2023 NAESB RMQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 RMQ Annual Plan Item 4.b/R22001 - Comment Period Ends October 10, 2023.
August 30, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.b - Comment Period Ends September 29, 2023.
August 10, 2023 NAESB WGQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee - Ballots due September 11, 2023.
August 9, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WGQ, Producer Segment Seat - Due August 23, 2023.
July 31, 2023 Publication of NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Business Practice Standards, Version 004
July 31, 2023 NAESB WEQ Version 004 Report
July 28, 2023 Michael Desselle Correspondence to NAESB Members
July 25, 2023 Nominations for Board of Directors, WEQ, Distribution/LSE Segment Seat - Due August 8, 2023.
July 25, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WEQ, Distribution/LSE Segment Seat - Due August 8, 2023.
July 20, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support R23002 - Comment Period Ends August 18, 2023.
July 6, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 - Comment Period Ends August 7, 2023.
June 26, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WGQ, Producer Segment Seat - Due July 10, 2023.
June 21, 2023 Nominations for BOD, WEQ, Marketer/Broker Segment Seat - Due July 5, 2023.
June 13, 2023 Request for Comments on WEQ Minor Corrections to NAESB WEQ Standards as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee – Comments due June 27, 2023 (Effective July 13, 2023)
June 13, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.a.i / R22002 - Comment Period Ends July 13, 2023.
June 9, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WGQ, Producer Segment Seat - Due June 23, 2023.
June 9, 2023 Nominations for BOD, WGQ, Producer Segment Seat - Due June 23, 2023.
May 26, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WEQ, Transmission Segment Seat - Due June 9, 2023.
May 11, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 - Comment Period Ends June 12, 2023.
May 1, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, RMQ, Retail Electric Utilities Segment Seat - Due May 15, 2023.
April 25, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WEQ, IGO Segment Seat - Due May 9, 2023.
April 25, 2023 Nominations for Alternate, WEQ, IGO Segment Seat - Due May 9, 2023.
April 25, 2023 Ballot - BOD, WGQ, LDC Segment – Due May 9, 2023.
March 31, 2023 NAESB WGQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee - Ballots due May 1, 2023.
March 31, 2023 Request for Comments on Minor Corrections to NAESB WGQ Model Business Practices as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee – Comments due April 14, 2023 (Effective May 1, 2023)
March 29, 2023 Request for Comments on NAESB RMQ Minor Corrections to NAESB RMQ Model Business Practices as Approved by the RMQ Executive Committee on 3/29/2023 – Comments due April 12, 2023 (Effective May 1, 2023)
March 29, 2023 Ballot - BOD, WGQ, LDC Segment – Due April 12, 2023.
March 28, 2023 Request for Comments on WEQ Minor Corrections to NAESB WEQ Standards as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee – Comments due April 11, 2023 (Effective April 27, 2023)
March 28, 2023 NAESB WEQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WEQ Executive Committee - Ballots due April 27, 2023.
March 15, 2023 Nominations for BOD, WGQ, LDC Segment Seat - Due March 29, 2023.
March 15, 2023 Nominations for BOD, RMQ, Retail Gas Market Interestes Segment Seat - Due March 29, 2023.
March 10, 2023 Nominations for BOD, WGQ, Services Segment Seat - Due March 24, 2023.
March 9, 2023 Nominations for Alternate, WEQ, Marketer/Broker Segment Seat - Due March 23, 2023.
February 22, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WGQ Annual Plan Item 1.b - Comment Period Ends March 23, 2023.
February 22, 2023 NAESB RMQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 RMQ Annual Plan Item 1 - Comment Period Ends March 23, 2023.
February 15, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 5.d / R22001 - Comment Period Ends March 17, 2023.
February 14, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 6.a.ii/Standards Request R22002 - Comment Period Ends March 16, 2023.
February 9, 2023 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 WGQ Annual Plan Item 1.c/R22003 - Comment Period Ends March 10, 2023.
February 9, 2023 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendations to support 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 3.a and 3.b and 2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.c - Comment Period Ends March 10, 2023.
February 9, 2023 NAESB RMQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2023 RMQ Annual Plan Item 3 - Comment Period Ends March 10, 2023.
February 7, 2023 NAESB WGQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee - Ballots due March 8, 2023.
Februart 6, 2023 Nominations for BOD, WEQ, Transmission Segment Seat - Due February 20, 2023.
January 30, 2023 NAESB Comments Submitted to the Transportation Safety Administration on Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued November 30, 2022 for Enhancing Surface Cyber Risk Management (Docket No. TSA-2022-0001)
January 19, 2023 Nominations for Alternate, WEQ, Marketer/Broker Segment Seat - Due February 2, 2023.
January 19, 2023 Nominations for Executive Committee, WEQ, Generation Segment Seat - Due February 2, 2023.
December 15, 2022 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 - Comment Period Ends January 16, 2023.
October 31, 2022 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 - Comment Period Ends November 30, 2022.
October 31, 2022 NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) Informal Comment Period - Comments due November 30, 2022
October 24, 2022 Request for Comments on WGQ Minor Corrections to NAESB WGQ Business Practice Standards as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee – Comments due November 7, 2022 (Effective November 23, 2022)
October 19, 2022 Request for Comments on WEQ Minor Corrections to NAESB WEQ Standards as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee – Comments due November 2, 2022 (Effective November 18, 2022)
October 19, 2022 NAESB RMQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the RMQ Executive Committee - Ballots due November 18, 2022.
October 19, 2022 NAESB WEQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WEQ Executive Committee - Ballots due November 18, 2022.
August 1, 2022 Michael Desselle Correspondence to NAESB Members
July 29, 2022 July 29, 2022 - Joint FERC-NERC Press Release.
July 29, 2022 July 29, 2022 - Joint FERC-NERC Letter to NAESB.
July 19, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendations to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii/R21003 and Standards Request R21005 - Comment Period Ends August 17, 2022.
July 7, 2022 NAESB WEQ and RMQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5.b.i/2022 RMQ Annual Plan Item 2.a - Comment Period Ends August 8, 2022.
July 6, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendations to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a and 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b - Comment Period Ends August 5, 2022.
July 6, 2022 NAESB WGQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5.a.ii/ Standards Request R21006 - Comment Period Ends August 4, 2022.
June 30, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendations to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 4.a and 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 4.b - Comment Period Ends August 1, 2022.
June 29, 2022 2022 NAESB Standards Development Survey - Due July 29, 2022
June 2, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 7.a.ii/Standards Request R21006 - Comment Period Ends July 1, 2022.
May 18, 2022 NAESB WEQ and RMQ Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) Informal Comment Period - Comments due June 8, 2022
April 26, 2022 NAESB WEQ, WGQ and RMQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Items 7.a.i and 7.a.iii, 2022 WGQ Annual Plan Items 5.a.i and 5.a.iii, and 2022 RMQ Annual Plan Items 3.a.i and 3.a.ii (Standards Request R21006) - Comment Period Ends May 26, 2022.
April 20, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.iii - Comment Period Ends May 19, 2022.
April 4, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.c - Comment Period Ends May 3, 2022.
March 31, 2022 Request for Comments on WGQ Minor Corrections to NAESB WGQ Business Practice Standards as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee – Comments due April 12, 2022 (Effective April 28, 2022)
March 30, 2022 Request for Comments on RMQ Minor Corrections (MC21007, MC21009, MC21011) to NAESB RMQ Model Business Practices as Approved by the RMQ Executive Committee – Comments due April 12, 2022 (Effective April 29, 2022)
March 29, 2022 NAESB WEQ Member Ratification of Standards Adopted by the WEQ Executive Committee - Ballots due April 28, 2022
February 15, 2022 NAESB WEQ Request for Formal Comments on Recommendation to support 2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i/R21003 - Comment Period Ends March 16, 2022.

If you should encounter any problems or need further information, please call (713) 356-0060.
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