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WEQ Request for Comments on Minor Corrections
  WEQ Request for Comments on Minor Corrections:

    NAESB Minor Corrections Procedures

    NAESB Minor Corrections Blank Request Form

Date Minor Correction # Minor Correction Description MC Comments
July 3, 2024 MC24004 Submitted by Lisa O'Hara, Idaho Power Company

Minor correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standard Version 004 to modify WEQ-001-24.2.4 to address a publication error and incorporate a change consistent with those approved by NAESB WEQ as part of the recommendation to support WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 3.c / Standards Request R21004
MC24004 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on July 10, 2024 Request for Comments
due July 24, 2024
February 13, 2024 MC24001 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 004: WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms, WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Business Practice Standards and Communication Protocol (S&CP), WEQ-003 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary, and WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Implementation Guide to correct some minor inconsistencies
MC24001 as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 20, 2024 Request for Comments
due April 10, 2024
September 25, 2023 MC23014

eTag Functional Specification Attachment
Submitted by Zackary Buus, Bonneville Power Administration

Minor Correction to the NAESB Electronic Tagging Functional Specification Version 1.8.4 for consistency and to correct typographical and capitalization errors
MC23014 as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2023

MC23014 Attachment as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2023
Request for Comments
due November 9, 2023

Comments on Attachment Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
May 23, 2023 MC23008 Submitted by Joshua Phillips, Southwest Power Pool

Minor Correction to correct inconsistencies and typographical errors and update references to NERC Reliability Standards in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards WEQ Version 003.4: WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms, WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards, WEQ-005 Area Control Error (ACE) Equation Special Cases, WEQ-006 Manual Time Error Correction, and WEQ-025 Grid Services Supporting Wholesale Electric Interactions
MC23008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on June 13, 2023 Request for Comments
due June 27, 2023
May 18, 2023 MC23007 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services and Jim Schinski, EIDSN

Minor Correction to modify NAESB WEQ-008, Transmission Loading Relief (TLR) – Eastern Interconnection, Version 003.3 to be consistent with NERC’s decision to delete the NERC TLR log repository from the NERC website, making the repository no longer available to the NAESB Business Practice Standard WEQ-008-1.6.1, version 3.3.
MC23007 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on June 13, 2023 Request for Comments
due June 27, 2023
January 19, 2023 MC23002 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.4: WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms, WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Implementation Guide, and WEQ-024 Cybersecurity to correct some minor inconsistencies
MC23002 as revised approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2023 Request for Comments
due April 11, 2023
September 28, 2022 MC22012 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.4, WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information System to correct some minor inconsistencies
MC22012 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 Request for Comments
due November 2, 2022
July 18, 2022 MC22008 Submitted by Joshua Phillips, SPP and Ron Robinson, TVA

Proposed minor correction to WEQ Version 003.4 to move all WEQ cybersecurity-related business practices not included in WEQ-012 into a new suite of WEQ Business Practice Standards

MC22008 Attachment 1

MC22008 Attachment 2

MC22008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022

MC22008 Attachment 1 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022

MC22008 Attachment 2 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022

MC22008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 with additional revisions approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by notational ballot on November 18, 2022

MC22008 Attachment 1 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 with additional revisions approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by notational ballot on November 18, 2022

MC22008 Attachment 2 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 with additional revisions approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by notational ballot on November 18, 2022
Request for Comments
due November 2, 2022

Comments on Attachment 1 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments on Attachment 2 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
May 20, 2022 MC22004 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.4: WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, WEQ-003, WEQ-013 - minor inconsistencies in the version.
MC22004 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 Request for Comments
due November 2, 2022
May 20, 2022 MC22003 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3: WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, WEQ-003, WEQ-013 - minor inconsistencies in the version.
MC22003 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 18, 2022 Request for Comments
due November 2, 2022
March 4, 2021 MC21003

WEQ-000 Attachment

WEQ-015 Attachment

WEQ-021 Attachment
Submitted by P. Wattles, ERCOT

Minor Correction to WEQ Version 003.3: WEQ-000, WEQ-015, and WEQ-021 for consistency in the use of defined terms, abbreviations, and acronyms within the standards and WEQ-000
MC21003 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 9, 2021

WEQ-000 Attachment

WEQ-015 Attachment

WEQ-021 Attachment

MC21003 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 9, 2021 with additional revisions approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by notational ballot on April 8, 2021

WEQ-000 Attachment

WEQ-015 Attachment

WEQ-021 Attachment
Request for Comments
due March 24, 2021

Comments on WEQ-000 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments on WEQ-015 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments on WEQ-021 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

WEQ Executive Committee Noational Ballot Results

February 16, 2021 MC21001 Submitted by B. Welch, MISO

Minor Correction to WEQ-023, Version 003.3. Currently, the Applicability section on page 4 states: Transmission Service Providers and Transmission Operators. MISO is requesting Applicability be expanded to include: Transmission Service Providers, Transmission Operators, Transmission Providers, Balancing Authorities (BA) and Load Serving Entities (LSE).
MC21001 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 9, 2021 Request for Comments
due March 24, 2021
September 16, 2020 MC20012 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3: WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), WEQ-002 OASIS Business Practice Standards and Communication Protocol (S&CP), WEQ-003 OASIS Data Dictionary, WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange, and WEQ-013 OASIS Implementation Guide. In reviewing the publication for NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3, and Version 1.8.4 Electronic Tagging Functional Specifications, it was noted that there were some minor inconsistencies in the versions. This minor correction will make consistency between the versions.
MC20012 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020 Request for Comments
due November 10, 2020
February 14, 2020 MC20002 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3: WEQ-001 - Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), Business Practice Standards
MC20002 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020 Request for Comments
due March 4, 2020
May 23, 2019 MC19011 Submitted by Howard Gugel, North American Electric Reliability Corporation

Minor Correction to Version 003.2 NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, WEQ-003-0 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary to remove references to 'NERC TRE as defined in NERC Standard IRO-006-TRE-1' for consistency with FERC action on the retirement of IRO-006-TRE-1, to be implemented in Version 003.3.
MC19011 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by noational ballot on June 3, 2019 Request for Comments
due June 17, 2019
March 13, 2019 MC19006 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) for consistency in the publication of NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3. In reviewing the publication for NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.3, the Annual Plan Item 3.g that is out for formal comments, and Version 1.8.3 Electronic Tagging Functional Specifications it was noted that there were some minor inconsistencies in the standards.
MC19006 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on March 26, 2019 Request for Comments
due April 10, 2019
November 9, 2017 MC17021 Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Minor Correction to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards WEQ-022 Electric Industry Registry (EIR) and WEQ-015 Measurement and Verification of Wholesale Electricity Demand Response. In reviewing the publication for NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003.2 the WEQ-022-3 Section title "PUBLICATION" needs to be changed to "RESERVED" and in WEQ-015-1.13.4 the reference to “NERC BAL-005-02.b, R8” should be changed to “NERC BAL-005-1, R1” in Business Practice Standard for consistency with the FERC issued Order approving NERC BAL-005-1.
MC17021 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by Notational Ballot on November 17, 2017 Request for Comments
due December 4, 2017
October 12, 2017 MC17020 Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Minor Correction to WEQ Version 003.1, to modify the definition of the defined term Applicant in WEQ-000-2.
MC17020 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2017 Request for Comments
due November 7, 2017
April 4, 2017 MC17005 Submitted by Z. Buus, Bonneville Power Administration

Minor Correction to the e-Tag Specification Version 1.8.3 to Section and to clarify the issuance of a Security Key.
MC17005 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee by Notational Ballot on
May 10, 2017
Comments Submitted by CAISO, IESO, ISONE, MISO, NYISO, and PJM - May 2, 2017

Request for Comments
due May 26, 2017
February 13, 2017 MC17002 Submitted by J. Phillips, Southwest Power Pool

Minor Correction to the E-Tag Schema 1.8.3 contained in the NAESB WEQ Electronic Tagging - Functional Specification, Version 1.8.3 approved by the WEQ EC on August 16, 2016. The Market Operator was inadvertently not included in the list of entities allowed to exchange messages within the schema documentation. This minor correction ensures the schema supports the intent of the functional specification.
MC17002 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 21, 2017

MC17002 - Attachment
Request for Comments
due March 7, 2017
January 30, 2017 MC17001 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

In reviewing the publication for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.1, the definition for “Native Load (NL)” needs to be either updated in Version 003.2 or Version 003.1. Native Load is not only applicable to Business Practice Standards WEQ-008 but also to Business Practice Standards WEQ-001, 002, 003, and 013. This minor correction will make consistency between these standards.
MC17001 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 21, 2017
Request for Comments
due March 7, 2017
February 11, 2016 MC16008 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

In reviewing the publication for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.1, several references to “Renewal” need to be updated to “renewal” to be published in Version 003.2. Renewal is not a defined term in the WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms. This minor correction will be consistent with the recommendation for the long-term firm rollover rights competition.
MC16008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 23, 2016
Request for Comments
due March 9, 2016
February 11, 2016 MC16008 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

In reviewing the publication for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.1, several references to “Renewal” need to be updated to “renewal” to be published in Version 003.2. Renewal is not a defined term in the WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms. This minor correction will be consistent with the recommendation for the long-term firm rollover rights competition.
MC16008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 23, 2016
Request for Comments
due March 9, 2016
August 31, 2015 MC15019 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards Version 003.1, WEQ-000, WEQ-002, WEQ-003 and WEQ-013 OASIS, Version 2.0 -
In reviewing the publication draft for NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards, Version 003.1, several references to OASIS Version 2.0 need to be updated to OASIS Version 2.1, as well as, references to the Electronic Tagging Functional Specification Version updated to Version 1.8.2 for consistency.
MC15019 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on
September 8, 2015
Request for Comments
due September 23, 2015
May 28, 2015 MC15015 Submitted by JT Wood on behalf of the NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards Version 003.1, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, and WEQ-013 OASIS, Version 2.0 -
To change the wording of the phrases “shall have the right to”, “shall be allowed to”, “shall be permitted, but is not required, to”, “shall be permitted to”, and “shall have the ability to” to “may”. Along with other consistency changes.
MC15015 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
August 18, 2015
Request for Comments
due September 3, 2015
April 21, 2015 MC15008 Submitted by V. Weldon, ERCOT

Minor Correction to NAESB Standard WEQ-006, Version 003 -
Remove references to ERCOT in the table of 006-5, both columns. ERCOT was inadvertently added to the 2012 WEQ-006 procedure on Time Error Correction.
MC15008 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
April 28, 2015
Request for Comments
due May 14, 2015
April 14, 2015 MC15007 Submitted by J. Buccigross, 8760, Inc. on behalf of the NAESB WEQ Cyber Security Subcommittee

Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ-12 Business Practice Standards, Version 3.1
Add additional language to WEQ-012-1.21.1 to indicate that these requirements are now found within the ACA Accreditation Specification. This language was inadvertently left out of the recommendation for 2012 WEQ Annual Plan Item 4.c.i-ii/R11014/R11015.
MC15007 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
April 28, 2015
Request for Comments
due May 14, 2015
August 27, 2014 MC14015 Submitted by B. Harshbarger, Puget Sound Energy

Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ Electronic Tagging - Functional Specification, Version 1.8.2
MC14015 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 21, 2014
Request for Comments
due November 3, 2014
April 15, 2014 MC14011 Submitted by C. Williams, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

Minor Correction to update the initiation and termination times for the West in WEQ-006-5 from -5/+5 and ±0.5/±0.5 respectively, to -30/+30 and -25/+25 respectively.
MC14011 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
April 29, 2014
Request for Comments
due May 22, 2014
February 6, 2014 MC14004

Submitted by NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Modify the definition of System Operator by deleting “(Based on NERC definitions).” in WEQ-000-2 (Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms), published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003
(Minor correction to be applied to version 003.1)
MC14004 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 18, 2014
Request for Comments
due March 13, 2014
February 4, 2014 MC14003

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

The reason for this minor correction is to make consistency changes to WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002, OASIS Business Practice Standards and Communication Protocol (S&CP), version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003 and WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-003, OASIS Data Dictionary, version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, version 003
(Minor correction to be applied to version 003.1)
MC14003 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
February 18, 2014
Request for Comments
due March 13, 2014
September 26, 2013 MC13025

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

The reason for this minor correction/clarification is to make consistency changes to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, and WEQ-013, version 2.0 published in WEQ Business Practice Standards version 003.
MC13025 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
September 19, 2013 MC13024

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

The reason for this minor correction/clarification is to clarify the data definition differences for the OASIS Data Dictionary Element Name STATUS found in WEQ-003-0 OASIS Data Dictionary and the data definitions found in WEQ-013-2.2 Transaction Status and WEQ-013-101.4 NITS Application and Modification of Service Status.
MC13024 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
August 29, 2013 MC13019 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its OSEC Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 35, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff Filings as noted by FERC, dated August 12, 2013

MC13019 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
July 30, 2013 MC13017

Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

In reviewing the Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-11.1.6, which is associated to Redirect Rights through a Resale, MISO noticed that the standard references WEQ-009 Standards of Conduct for Electric Transmission Providers and WEQ-010 Contracts Related to Business Practice Standards. The correct references should be WEQ-001.9 Requirements for Dealing with Redirects on a Firm Basis and WEQ-001-10 Requirements for Dealing with Redirects on a Non-Firm Basis.
MC13017 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
August 20, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 9, 2013
July 16, 2013 MC13015

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc. and the NAESB Office

Make consistency changes to NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Business Practice Standards WEQ-002-3.3a, b, and d, WEQ-002-3.4b(i), WEQ-002-4.2.2a, WEQ-002-, WEQ-002- and WEQ-002-, OASIS S&CP, version 2.0 published in WEQ BPS version 003.
MC13015 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
August 20, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 9, 2013
July 11, 2013 MC13013

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc. and the NAESB Office

Correct NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standard WEQ-002-3.4i OASIS S&CP, Version 2.0 published in NAESB WEQ BPS Version 003: To comply with 18 CFR 37.7(b) – Auditing Transmission Service Information
MC13013 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
August 20, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 9, 2013
September 19, 2012 MC12036

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc.

Correct NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003: NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), Version 2.0, NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-002 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) and Communication Protocol (S&CP), Version 2.0, NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-003 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary, Version 2.0, and NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-013 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Implementation Guide, Version 2.0
MC12036 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
October 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due November 12, 2012
September 19, 2012 MC12035

Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Correct NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003: NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-008 Transmission Loading Relief (TLR) – Eastern Interconnection
MC12035 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2012 Request for Comments
due November 12, 2012
September 19, 2012 MC12034

Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Correct NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003: NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions of Terms and NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-019 Customer Energy Usage Information Communication.
MC12034 as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2012 Request for Comments
due November 12, 2012
September 12, 2012 MC12032

Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Correct NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards, Version 003: NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions of Terms, NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-001 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS), Version 2.0, and NAESB Business Practice Standards WEQ-003 Open Access Same-Time Information Systems (OASIS) Data Dictionary, Version 2.0
MC12032 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2012 Request for Comments
due November 12, 2012
June 20, 2012 MC12026

Attachment - Manual TEC Analysis Presentation, ERCOT MIT (05/01/2012)
Submitted by ERCOT

Correct WEQ-006 Manual Time Error Correction Standards
MC12026 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on July 10, 2012 Request for Comments
due July 26, 2012
June 20, 2012 MC12025 Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Correct WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms (Version 3.0), WEQ-008 Transmission Loading Relief - Eastern Interconnection Standards (Version 3.0), and WEQ 2010 AP Item 1.a.i Final Action: Interim Solution for Parallel Flow Visualization. - Ratified December 6, 2010
MC12025 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on July 10, 2012 Request for Comments
due July 26, 2012
May 30, 2012 MC12020 Submitted by E. Winkler, ISO New England

Correct WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms (Version 3.0), WEQ-021 Measurement and Verification of Energy Efficiency Products (Version 3.0), and 2010 WEQ Annual Plan Item 4(d) Final Action: Business Practice Standards for Measurement and Verification of Energy Efficiency Products.
MC12020 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on June 15, 2012 Request for Comments
due July 2, 2012
February 3, 2012 MC12003 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services

Needed to make minor corrections for the adoption and ratification of 2011 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5.a / R08001 / R08002 / R08003 / R08005 - Make consistency changes to Version 2.2.
MC12003 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2012 Request for Comments
due March 15, 2012
December 21, 2011 MC11032 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff Filings as noted by FERC, dated December 22, 2011
WEQ Version 2.1 and WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the Joint WEQ and WGQ EC's via notational ballot on February 3, 2012 Request for Comments
due February 20, 2012
October 17, 2011 MC11029 Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company Services Inc.

Minor Correction to correct inadvertent typographical errors found during the application of Final Action 2011 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.iii.1 through 2.a.iii.3 – Service Across Multiple Transmission Systems (SAMTS), ratified August 11, 2011 by the NAESB Office for publication in Version 003 of the NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards.
MC11029 as approved by the WEQ EC on October 25, 2011 Request for Comments
due November 21, 2011
April 26, 2011 MC11016 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 241 Tariff Filings as noted in the FERC eTariff RSS Feed(s), dated April 18, 2011
MC11016 as approved by the WEQ EC via Notational Ballot on May 20, 2011 Request for Comments
due June 6, 2011
April 21, 2011 MC11015 Submitted by Bob Harshbarger, Puget Sound Energy

Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ Electronic Tagging – Functional Specifications, Version 1.8.1 - Correct links to e-Tag 1.8.1 XML Schema and WECC web site in NAESB WEQ Electronic Tagging – Functional Specifications, Version 1.8.1.
MC11015 as approved by the WEQ EC via Notational Ballot on May 20, 2011 Request for Comments
due June 6, 2011
March 24, 2011 MC11011 Submitted by Kathy York, Jim Castle and Ed Skiba

Minor Correction to Manual Time Error Correction (WEQ-006) - to suspend the NAESB Business Practice Standards for WEQ 006-1 through WEQ 006-12 based on the motion approved by the NERC Operating Committee at their March 9, 2011 meeting.
MC11011 as approved by the WEQ EC via Notational Ballot on April 8, 2011 Request for Comments
due April 28, 2011
March 22, 2011 MC11009 Submitted by Ed Skiba, Midwest ISO

Minor Correction to Diagram for Meter Before/Meter After Definition (WEQ-000)
MC11009 as approved by the WEQ EC via Notational Ballot on April 8, 2011 Request for Comments
due April 28, 2011
November 30, 2010 MC10041 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 241 Tariff Filings as noted in the FERC eTariff RSS Feed(s), dated October 8, 2010
MC10041 as approved by the WEQ and WGQ ECs via Notational Ballot on December 20, 2010 Request for Comments
due January 4, 2011
September 13, 2010 MC10033 Submitted by Y. Coleman, Bonneville Power Administration

Booklet 2.1, WEQ 003 Data Dictionary and WEQ 013 Implementation Guide
MC10033 as approved by the WEQ EC on October 26, 2010 Request for Comments
due December 3, 2010
August 27, 2010 MC10032 Submitted by E. Skiba, JT. Wood, N. Saini, M. Otondo

WEQ 2010 AP Item 1.a.i – Interim Solution for Parallel Flow Visualization
MC10032 as revised and approved by the WEQ EC on October 26, 2010 Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Request for Comments
due December 3, 2010
May 27, 2010 MC10031 WEQ-001 Minor Correction to be applied to version 002.2, Submitted by M. Goldberg, ISO New England Inc. MC10031 as revised by the WEQ EC on August 17, 2010 Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
April 22, 2010 MC10019 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9: Joint NAESB WEQ Version 002.1 Standard WEQ-014-A and WGQ Version 1.9 Standard No. 11.4.1 (Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing)
MC10019 as revised by the WEQ EC on August 17, 2010 and the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010 Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Redline Attachment to Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee as previously approved by the WEQ EC on August 17, 2010

Comments Submitted by R. Pysh, The United Illuminating Company
Request for Comment on minor correction to NAESB WEQ Version 002.1 Standards approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2009. Comments are due November 30, 2009. (Effective December 14, 2009)
Minor Correction Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2009 (Revised to include comments to background information.)
Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Request for Comment on minor correction to NAESB WEQ Versions 001.0, 002.0 and 002.1 Standards approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 18, 2009. Comments are due September 8, 2009. (Effective October 8, 2009)
Minor Correction Submitted by WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 18, 2009

Request for Comment on minor corrections to NAESB WEQ Version 002.1 Standards approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 12, 2009. Comments are due May 29, 2009. (Effective May 29, 2009)
Minor Correction Submitted by B. Harshbarger on behalf of JISWG as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 12, 2009
Minor Correction Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB Staff as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee May 12, 2009
Minor Correction Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO, as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee May 12, 2009

Request for Comment on minor correction to NAESB WEQ Version 002.0 Standards (WEQ- approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 3, 2009. Comments are due March 10, 2009
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections NAESB WEQ Version 002.0 Standards (WEQ- as submitted by B. Rehman, Bonneville Power Administration and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee February 3, 2009
Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Request for Comment on minor corrections to NAESB WEQ Version 002.0 Standards and 2008 Annual Plan Item 2.a.iv.4, and 2.b.ii.1 Final Action, Ratified September 22, 2008 approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on November 4, 2008. Comments are due December 1, 2008
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Attachment 1- NAESB WEQ Version 002.0 Standards (WEQ-001-13.1.5, WEQ-001-16 and WEQ-001-16.1) as submitted by the chairs of the Joint WEQ BPS and ESS/ITS.
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Attachment 2- 2008 Annual Plan Item 2.a.iv.4, and 2.b.ii.1 Final Action, Ratified September 22, 2008 (WEQ-003 OASIS Data Dictionary, Version 1.4) and NAESB WEQ Version 002.0 Standards (WEQ-003 OASIS Data Dictionary, Version 1.5) as submitted by B. Rehman, BPA and revised by the WEQ Executive Committee on November 4, 2008.

Request for Comment on minor corrections to two NAESB WEQ Final Actions ratified by the WEQ Membership - February 29, 2008 and June 23, 2008 as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2008. Comments are due September 3, 2008
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Attachment 1- OASIS S&CP’s (WEQ-002) and Attachment 3 – OASIS Implementation Guide (WEQ-013) to Final Action 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(ii): Group 1: Conditional Firm, Annotations For ATC; Load Forecast and Actual Load; Re-Bid of Partial Service; and Preconfirmation Priority, Ratified February 29, 2008
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Final Action 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.i.5, 2.a.i.6, and 2.a.ii.1-3 -WEQ-001 changes for Rebid of Partial Service, Preconfirmation Priority, and Group 2: Metrics, Redispatch Cost Posting, Ratified June 23, 2008

Request for Comment on the following WEQ minor correction adopted by the WEQ EC by notational ballot on April 3, 2008. Comments are due April 18, 2008.
Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ, Version 001 published October 31, 2007 (Standard No. 001-1.7(b))
Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Request for Comment on two NAESB WEQ Final Actions ratified by the WEQ Membership - December 19, 2007 and Corrections to the NAESB WEQ Business Practices Version 001 Publication. Comments are due February 20, 2008.
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Final Action WEQ 2007 Annual Plan Item 2(c), Modifications to WEQ-001 to comply with modifications to 18 C.F.R. 37.6 and 37.7 within Order 890 – ratified December 19, 2007
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to Final Action 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(ii), Order 890 Work Plan Group 1: Conditional Firm, Annotations For ATC; Load Forecast and Actual Load; Re-Bid of Partial Service; and Preconfirmation Priority – ratified December 19, 2007
Minor Correction Memo Regarding Corrections to WEQ Business Practices Version 001 publication to improve the consistency of existing business practices.

Request for Comment on minor correction to Final Action R06002 (Modify NAESB pre-split Version 0 TLR business practices to remain consistent with NERC IRO-006-1 pre-split TLR reliability standards (inclusion of market flows) as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee Notational Ballot on October 31, 2007. Comments are due November 16, 2007.
Transmission Loading Relief Business Practices – Eastern Interconnection
Memo regarding Minor Corrections to the WEQ TLR business practice standards

Request for Comment on Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ-009 "Standards of Conduct" as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 15, 2007. Comments are due October 31, 2007.
WEQ Minor Correction to NAESB WEQ-009 "Standards of Conduct", as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 15, 2007.
Comments Submitted by Southern Company Generation.

Request for Comment on Minor Correction to Final Action R07002 ratified by the WEQ Membership on September 17, 2007. Comments are due October 23, 2007.
WEQ Minor Correction - Regarding Corrections to Final Action R07002 - Attachment 1 - S&CPs (WEQ-002)
WEQ Minor Correction - Attachment 1 - S&CPs (WEQ-002)
WEQ Minor Correction - Regarding Corrections to Final Action R07002 - Attachment 2 - Data Dictionary (WEQ-003)
WEQ Minor Correction - Attachment 2 - Data Dictionary (WEQ-003)
WEQ Minor Correction - Regarding Corrections to Final Action R07002 - Attachment 3 - Implementation Guide (WEQ-013)
WEQ Minor Correction - Attachment 3 - Implementation Guide (WEQ-013)
WEQ Minor Correction - Regarding Corrections to Final Action R07002

Request for Comment on Minor Correction to NAESB Final Action R06002, as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 8, 2007. Comments are due August 31, 2007.
WEQ Minor Correction for Final Action R06002, as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 8, 2007.

Request for Comment on the following WEQ minor correction adopted by the WEQ EC on February 6, 2007. Comments are due March 7, 2007.
WEQ Minor Correction - WEQ-004, Request No. R05001, Appendix D Commercial Timing Table WECC Correction
WEQ Minor Correction - Attachment

Request for Comment on the following WEQ minor correction adopted by the WEQ EC on September 19, 2006. Comments are due October 16, 2006.
WEQ Minor Correction for WEQBPS-006 Manual Time Error Correction

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